Google wants to link authors to web content.

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Good News From Google?

Google has announced that it is experimenting with linking web content to the people that write it. They are calling this “authorship mark up.” It is envisaged that in the future people will be able to search the net for content written by their favoured authors. Google says that great content comes from great writers. But what does that mean for search results?  It could mean that in future general search results could be skewed in favour of written content by authors that Google considers to have  reached “authority status” in certain fields or niches. If this is the case, it will become more difficult for general bloggers to have pages appear within the search engine results pages (serps) for different written topics, unless a writer has a documented history of writing on a specific subject matter. This is certainly one for the search engine optimization (SEO) specialists to start getting their heads round.

 Google Juice SEO

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